Wednesday 21 September 2011

A2 Research and Planning: Film Poster Image Edits

This was my original image before using Photoshop to change it to black and white and increase the brightness by 52. I decided to use a black and white image as I wanted to emphasise the eeriness.

This is the edited version used in my film poster:


  1. Clearly label your posts as research and or planning. More in-depth explanation of decisions using appropriate terminology.

  2. I think you need to showcase far more of your creative talent using photoshop than simply changng to black and white. Show how you did all your framing and cropping and all the tidying you did to the original picture, sharpening, cloning, erasing etc. Don't just post the finished product.

    Mrs H

  3. PS blog some of the pics you rejected and say why. Say what effect you planned to achieve and why.
